Monday, November 16, 2009

I planted morning glory seed three weeks ago.They are not starting?

We did have a frost.Will the still come up or should I plant more seeds?How long does it take for them to start?Yes i did soak the seeds first

I planted morning glory seed three weeks ago.They are not starting?
Morning glory seeds need to be started indoors first. They don't like the cold. Wait to put outside until the weather is warm to stay.

Start over with new seeds and soak in warm water till you can see they are going to open. (about a day and a half). Plant them in the cardboard like egg cartons using your potting soil. A couple of seeds per egg station. When ready to plant, cut or tear the egg carton apart and plant this with the seedlings still in it. They don't transplant well so this is why we do it this way. Or you can use a peat-pot. This works well for us. Make sure not to let them dry out. Luck this time.
Reply:You will have to plant more. If they haven't came up by now the frost got them. Last year I just dumped the seeds straight from the pack to the ground and you could see them coming up within 5-7 days. I didn't soak them either.
Reply:give them another week or two if nothing has started by then,you might have to start over again
Reply:They should have already started. Instead of waiting, consider restarting seeds (just re-cultivate more in the same starter pots or directly in soil if they're in a garden). Morning glory seeds have a very hard shell, nicking them helps a lot, even though you soak them...just gives them a head start.
Reply:They will sprout give them a couple of weeks. It's been cold. Im planting mine in a week or so. They will sprout give them some time.
Reply:Did you plant them on the east side of your home....the side the morning sun hits first?...I have heard that is where you plant them.
Reply:Make sure your region and seed type match ( Then soak them in the dark (between wet paper napkins sandwiched by 2 plates) until a small root appears. Then put them indoors in a cup of potting soil until their 2nd set of leaves. Then transplant where they can grow on something and get morning sun. They love sun. Enjoy.
Reply:I understand you should nick the side of the seed with a knife carefully. The seed is incredibly hard and this is supposed to help along with soaking. Good luck and try again.


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