Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is it a Morning Glory?

I received what my mother thought was a Morning Glory yesterday. My mother and daughter brought it to me for Mothers Day. My mom was positive it was a Morning Glory and told me all about them. So all day yesterday I am reading about them and watching it to see if it closed. Nothing!!!!!! So, let me describe it and hopefully you guys can give me some idea to what it is so that I can research it.

It is in a 6" pot, and has a bamboo trellis sticking out of the pot. The vines of the plant has wrapped itself around the trellis. It has 3 large blooms in that are bright pink and are trumpeted like a Morning Glory. The differences are in the petals and the leaves. The petals are all seperate from eachother. And they didn't close up at all. The leaves are unlike any Morning Glory pic I have looked up. Morning Glories tend to have a heart shaped leaf, where these are very large oval shaped leaves and are extremely thick. I guess that about sums it up. Any ideas????????????

Is it a Morning Glory?
It sounds like a Mandevilla vine, which is a tropical plant.
Reply:There are many hundreds of members of the Ipomea (morning glory) clan, they are not all of the typical `Heavenly Blue` variety. In the USA, the more favoured regions are able to grow many varieties denied to colder climates. You most likely do have an Ipomea (morning glory) but which one of the 500, I cannot say.
Reply:it sounds pretty.... some morning glories dont close.... i know the wild ones by my parents house dont close up at night.. and the white ones open at night.. so you might have a morning glory.. but they get long so you might to to transplant it into the ground.. good luck!

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