Sunday, April 26, 2009

Morning Glory/LSA question?

How many Morning Glory seeds will get me trippin? How long do the effects last? How long does it take to kick in?

Also, I know it is bad for my body so don't be like "Ur stupid. Drugs r bad." Thank you. 10 pts to best answer.

Morning Glory/LSA question?
I ate 4 or 5 packets. They did work but I had a very bad trip. It was the first time I had taken any kind of hallucinogen. My other friends that ate them had an awesome time. It's all in how you perceive the trip. If you have never tripped before make sure you prepare yourself. You want to be in comfortable surroundings with people you know and are comfortable with. I ate them and then went to a party. For me it was too overwhelming which I think helped induce the bad trip. To make sure about the correct dosage visit It is a great, non-biased website about any drug you want info on. That's where I got my dosage info for morning glory seeds. Here's a word of advice ahead of time. Make sure you have something to grind them up with. A coffee grinder works great. In order to feel the effects of the LSA you have to actually crush the seed open because the good stuff is inside. They can be chewed up but it takes a long time to chew and make sure you are cracking every seed with your teeth. (I chewed them up and it took me forever.) Also, make sure you wash the seeds pretty thoroughly. You don't want to be eating a gross chemical coating. Other than that make sure you enjoy your trip. Best of luck!
Reply:Drugs R bad You must pull first coat "shell" off it is poison as to how meny its al l up to the person. Keep it fun dont go over board Good luck. You should always do much research edwin gr8 place to START.

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