Sunday, April 26, 2009

Morning Glory Question?

Okay, this might be a really stupid question, but I keep reading about morning glory seeds and how they hallucinogenic. My question is, if I have some growing in my yard and my kids decide to eat some are they going to harm them? Like I said this is probably a really stupid question and I don't think it will happen, but I just want to make sure. Thanks.

Morning Glory Question?
its pretty unlkely that your kids will eat the seeds

but you may want to take them out any way because the leaves roots and stem anr toxinous
Reply:Domestic Morning Glories do contain the hulucinogen LSA. But your kids would need to eat a lot of seeds and the seeds are very hard, so they would hopefully spit them out.

From Wikipedia:

The seeds of many species of morning glory contain ergot alkaloids such as the hallucinogenic ergonovine and ergine (LSA). Seeds of I. tricolor and I. corymbosa (syn. R. corymbosa) are used as hallucinogens. The seeds can produce similar effect to LSD when taken in the hundreds. Though the chemical LSA is illegal to possess in pure form, the seeds are found in many gardening stores, however, the seeds from gardening stores are almost always coated in some form of mild poison in order to prevent ingestion. They should not be taken by people with a history of liver disorders or hepatitis. They should not be taken by pregnant women as they can cause uterine contraction which can lead to miscarriage. Individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease (Heart attack, blood clot, and stroke) or a family history of such problems, and the elderly should avoid consuming these seeds due to their vasoconstrictive effects.
Reply:I grew morning glories when my children were very young and they never bothered them. I didn't know the seeds were hallucinogenic until my old hippy brother told me and then I worried more about him pilfering my seeds than I did about the kids bothering them.

Just make sure you educate your children on any plants that you may decide to grow in or outside your home. There are many common plants that harmful if ingested, so make sure they know not to put them in their mouths and to wash their hands if they handle the plants.
Reply:Threshold effects can be reached with as few as 25-50 seeds, though most recreational users find it necessary to ingest between 100 and 400 seeds to reach desired effects.
Reply:im not sure but while they're seedlings keep them on high shelves to make sure they dont eat them. i wouldnt worry about it.

oh PS: i looove morning glories.
Reply:i believe that it is only a certain type of morning glory....most of the commercial ones aren't i believe.....
Reply:Hi. Not to worry. My information is that a person would have to eat at least 1,000 seeds for any odd side effects. -dio
Reply:Pull them out or pick all the seed pods before they produce seeds.

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