Friday, November 18, 2011

Are variated Morning Glory leaves normal? When will it bloom?

I was just wondering if morning glory leave are normally variated with green and yellow or are they screaming out to me for help? and how long till it blooms? the vines are growing well but I've yet to see flowers appear.

Are variated Morning Glory leaves normal? When will it bloom?
variated? do you mean two- toned? not usually as far as i know ( no varieties ive grown or read about) - they should be growing now in warm climates (i cant stop mine in SF bay area CA- i have to keep clipping to control their growth) in cooler climates i would suggest waiting for warmer sun and then they should reach the sky. Wtare moderately after they are 3 in and if foliage appears, but no flowers stop watering for a bit. Too much water may be why the plant has a light two toned affect... or it could be not enough water. Chances are likely that its the former as morning glorys are hardy take watering well and should be a breeze to grow---- are they in full sun? They need to be
Reply:he's right, the varigation is completely normal, and they should bloom every morning and close by the time it starts getting hot.
Reply:i had morning glories last yr called "tye dye"

the leaves were varegiated and the blooms were purple with white splashed on the blooms

no 2 were alike and i loved them

for regular old boring morning glories most have just green leaves but the newer colors/combinations seem to have a tendancy to have varegiated leaves

depending on when you planted them give them sometimes up to 2 mos before seeing 1st you wont see very many but as the plant gets bigger they will start showing the early morning move the leaves and look underneath for always seems that the 1st few are hidden but once the plant is all over the place so will the blooms...once the heat hits them that is it for the bloom but the next day new ones will bloom
Reply:they are calling you get ready.
Reply:Don't water them too often. That makes the vines grow fast, but inhibits the flowers from blooming. You might be overwatering them.
Reply:I planted Morning Glory from seed in early March and I'm just now starting to get flowers. The leaves on mine are variegated as well so I don't think that's a problem. I'm getting more and more flowers every morning.


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