Friday, November 18, 2011

How many morning glory seeds should i take?

how many morning glory seeds should i take for a good first time trip?

How many morning glory seeds should i take?
Well, I have tried Morning Glory for the first time last Friday. I'd say i ate roughly around 50 seeds for my first time. I probably should have taken more, but I'm a small person so I was somewhat weary. So i bought to packets of the stuff, and with about eating 50 seeds over about a 15 min period, after the effects set it i was just light headed and stumbling. But I am not suggesting that you do this until you do your research!!!!!!!!! Please I can't stress this enough, because people have different "trips" depending on their body type, and I am not sure if there is a lethal dosage for Morning Glory. So please if you want to try them find out the right dosage.
Reply:go to erowid or google it theres lots of sites with good info and personal stories...

my bf says no matter what you will get sick. good luck. have fun. be safe!
Reply:It doesn't work.
Reply:None. Be aware that many distributers of Morning Glory Seeds toxify there product to discourage consumption. Ingesting these seeds can make you sick.
Reply:LOTS AND LOTS!!!!!!

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